This event is endorsed
and organized by

The First International Conference on IoT in Urban Space

October 27–28, 2014 | Rome, Italy

Note to the presenters

The duration of the talks are set to 15min talktime + 5min of Q&A.


Papers have been nominated for best paper nominee based on their achieved review scores and program committee recommendations. The best paper has been selected by a subcommittee of the PC. For the poster sessions, the audience voted on the best poster and two runner ups.



Urb-IoT 2014

Monday (October 27th)


Registration opens


Welcome & Conference Opening Remarks


1st Keynote  - Eric Paulos: Hybrid Urban Ecologies: Disobedient Objects, Unexpected Landscapes, and Human Wonderment


Coffee Break & Networking


 A Simple and Secure E-Ticketing System for Intelligent Public Transportation based on NFC
Ivan Gudymenko, Filipe Sousa*, Stefan Koepsell
TU Dresden, * Universidade Federal de Campina Grande 





Technical Session 2: Data Driven Urban Planning (Chair: Sarah Gallacher)

Crowdsourced Pedestrian Map Construction for Short-Term City-Scale Events
Ulf Blanke, Robin Guldener, Sebastian Feese, Gerhard Troester
ETH Zurich

Leveraging Spatio-Temporal Clustering for Participatory Urban Infrastructure Monitoring
Matthias Budde, Julio De Melo Borges, Stefan Tomov, Till Riedel, Michael Beigl
TeCo / KIT

Extracting Land-Use Patterns using Location Data from Smartphones
Kentaro Nishi*, Kota Tsubouchi**, Masamichi Shimosaka*
* The University of Tokyo, ** Yahoo! JAPAN Research

 Inferring Travel Purpose from Crowd-Augmented Human Mobility Data
Zack Zhu, Ulf Blanke, Gerhard Tröster
ETH Zurich



Coffee Break & Networking


Poster Session

Quo vadis?: Persuasive computing using real time queue information
Wouter Meys, Maarten Groen
Amsterdam University of Applied Science

Using the critical design approach for rethinking citizen’s emotional bond with urban spaces
Assunta Matassa, Fabiana Vernero
University of Torino

Mobile Phones, Sensors & The Crowd: Lessons Learnt From Development of a Real-Time Travel Information System
David Corsar, Pete Edwards, John Nelson, Konstantinos Papangeli
University of Aberdeen

 Karibu: A Flexible, Highly-Available, and Scalable Architecture for Urban Data Collection
Henrik Baerbak Christensen, Henrik  Blunck, Niels Olof Bouvin, Robert S. Brewer, Markus  Wuestenberg
Aarhus University

Classifying Urban Events’ Popularity by Analyzing Friends Information in Location-based Social Network
Makoto Kawano*, Takuro Yonezawa*, Jin Nakazawa*, Satoshi Kawasaki**,Ken Ohta**, Hiroshi Inamura**, Hideyuki Tokuda*
*Keio University, **NTT DOCOMO, INC.

Transportation Melting Pot Dhaka: Road-link Based Traffic Volume Estimation from Sparse CDR Data
Yoko Hasegawa,  Yoshihide Sekimoto, Takehiro Kashiyama, Hiroshi Kanasugi
Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo

Trustworthiness Assessment in Mapping Urban Accessibility via Sensing and Crowdsourcing
Silvia Mirri, Catia Prandi, Paola Salomoni
University of Bologna

 Distributed Crowd-Sensing Infrastructure for Personalized Dynamic IoT Spaces
Peter Rothenpieler, Bashar Altakrouri, Oliver Kleine, Lukas Ruge
University of Luebeck

Energy-saving smart street lighting system based on 6LoWPAN
Jorge M. Perandones,  Guillermo del Campo Jiménez, Jaime Caffarel Rodríguez, Song Jie, Silvia Calatrava Sierra, Rocio Martínez García



End of first day

19:30 - 22:00

Social Event – Conference Dinner at the Restaurant “Ragno d’Oro


Urb-IoT 2014

Tuesday (October 28th)


Registration opens


2nd Keynote  - Mischa Dohler: IoT, Big Data & Smart Cities – The Untold Story


Coffee Break & Networking


Session 3: Urban Systems (Chair: Takuro Yonezawa)

A Simulation Platform for Large-Scale Internet of Things Scenarios in Urban Environments
Giacomo Brambilla, Marco Picone, Simone Cirani, Michele Amoretti, Francesco Zanichelli
Università degli Studi di Parma

What Does This Device Do?
Edoardo Pignotti,Stanislav Beran, Peter Edwards
University of Aberdeen

Developing a RESTful Protocol for a Connected Sustainable Home
Sotirios Kotsopoulos, Adria Recasens, Wesley Graybill, Federico Casalegno
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Enhancing Public Transit Accessibility for the Visually Impaired using IoT and Open Data Infrastructures
Jee-Eun Kim, Masahiro Bessho, Noboru Koshizuka, Ken Sakamura
The University of Tokyo





Industry Panel - City 3.0 : Risks, Challenges  and Opportunities

Moderator : Gerd Kortuem, The Open University, UK


  • Duncan Wilson, Intel ICRI
  • Bo Olofsson, Bell Labs
  • Kota Tsubouchi, Yahoo Research, Japan
  • Wouter Meys, Amsterdam University of Applied Science



Coffee Break & Networking


Technical Session 4: Citizen and City

Suspicious Boxes and Friendly Aliens: Exploring the Physical Design of Urban Sensing Technology
Hans-Christian Jetter*, Sarah Gallacher*, Vaiva Kalnikaite**, Yvonne Rogers*
* University College London/Intel ICRI Cities, ** Dovetailed

The Young and the City: Crowdsourcing Urban Awareness in a Developing Country
Salvador Ruiz-Correa*, Darshan Santani**, Daniel Gatica-Perez**
* Center for Mobile Life Studies - CNS-IPICYT-Idiap, ** Idiap Research Institute



Conference Closing